Bug Fixes - Version 1.1.4

To everyone who followed Guiding Star back this May (and June), and had reported some critical bugs, we have good news.

We know the final launch in May had some bugs that prevented moving on in the game without visuals. Several people experienced bugs with the navigation and couldn’t proceed. Well, two of us teammembers had a look at the list of critical bugs, and Cyd, one of the programmers, fixed most of them. And now we present v 1.1.4 with the following fixes:

Major Fixes

  • Star no longer hisses without reason, preventing us from advancing - thus, the “assisted navigation” should be fixed;
  • Star meows regularly while guiding us, to help us follow her;
  • No longer getting stuck in rocks and other assets; we automatically slide to move past them.
  • We can now choose whether we want the tutorial when entering a new game;
  • We now have a “ugh” sound if we hit a wall (well, I think we do, but I didn’t check this bit);

A little help and tips

  • Skip to a level with Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2 or Ctrl+3. If for some reason you’re stuck and want to reset the level, or skip to another, you can use these keybinds to do so.
  • If at any time Star seems to respond strangely to your commands, press C a couple times to “reset her”. You can also walk around a bit before doing that, if some reason she’s stuck in a coordinate. In our tests, this helped “reset” her sense of orientation.

Minor Changes

  • One area in level 3 is now a bit more decorated with grass assets as well as challenging enemies.

No changes

  • Arrow keys: still don’t work to rotate the camera; you need to use the mouse for that.
  • Tutorial not fine-tuned: it was a very complicated task. But you can still find the controls and tutorial video in the game’s itch page!
  • No keybinds to check the level goals or the health, nor any audio feedback when fully healed. However, since there is no game over or deaths, we had to decide this wasn’t a priority.
  • Star may still get stuck at a certain place in level 2 - since we couldn’t find the bug creating this glitch, to move from it, walk away from that spot and press C several times to get Star to find another way.

In conclusion, we hope now the game is a bit more playable. Please understand we can’t tweak or change more things, especially if they’re not dealbreaking bugs like maybe walking through walls, but we hope you can at least play it autonomously and reach the end. And enjoy it :)

We hope more people can enjoy the game now! Have fun and thanks for the support!


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Version 1.1.4 Dec 08, 2024

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